Sunday, August 9, 2009


In past years we have initiated our setup on Friday night. This year it is our intention to avoid having to secure the bicycles overnight and limit setup to Saturday morning.

Saturday, August 29th, Site Access

Between Sun-up, at approximately 6:00am, and 8:00am site access will be available to our group through the Southeast Gate (This entrance is marked with the "Marymount" sign – drive 1/4 mile past the first marked driveway and look for this sign on the left) The gate will be closed to traffic and we will be allowed to unload our bikes at this point and roll them onto the grounds and to our site which is approximately 200 feet from the gate. Between 6:00am and 8:00am volunteers will be stationed at this entrance to help unload and roll bikes to our display area.

On-street parking should still be available along 152nd Street SE beyond the entrance road at this time and parking along 152nd near the gate will make exiting the event easier than parking in one of the lots.

By 8:00 am cars associated with club displays are starting to line up at the gate and parking and access will become much more difficult. At 8:00am Volunteers will be relocated to the display site to help with registration and set-up

The LeMay Open House officially begins at 9am.

If you arrive after 8:00 am please call one of the cell phone numbers listed and we will do our best to get you and your bike into the event.

Please be informed: Because of the enormity of this event, The LeMay museum employs a large staff of volunteers during the show. Without the generosity of these people an event this size would be impossible. For the well being of all the staff and visitors, these volunteers have been entreated to direct visitors regarding the museums rules regarding the use of the site, access and egress control, and general public safety.

Two years ago there were several complaints from the LeMay Museum volunteer staff about rude behavior exhibited by some members of the Vintage Bicycle group. Please be courteous to all LeMay staff and follow any directions offered by them. If a problem does arise, please follow the directions given and contact Ron or myself so we can work out problems at the proper level.

Another issue that was brought to our attention is that anyone arriving and setting up before the gates open to the public should make sure they purchase an admission ticket and wrist band when the admissions booths open. One of the requirements for our participation is that everyone associated with our display purchase an admission ticket. It will be bad form if members of our group are on the grounds for the event without having paid admission.

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